
I'm Shane, a very normal and professional Atlanta-based freelance designer who almost never curses. Welcome to my professional website! Here I will (subtly) backdoor brag and tell you all about why I am the best designer for you while using an appropriate amount of exclamation points!
Okay, so I'm a little off. But let me just say that I think I'm the regular amount of off. I've come to enjoy being my weird-ass self and I find that it helps other folks do the same. I'm a big typography nerd, so if you want to start a discussion that will have me all—ERMAHGERD—just bring it up. I'm starting to understand that I feel about typography the way most guys feel about football or other sports things.
Also, I have never met a stranger (surprise!), so drop me a line. I'd enjoy hearing about what project you have up your sleeve and how I can work with you to help make something great.